When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....
WRITE TO ME! garyrith@yahoo.com Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10;
December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar.
All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016
Monday, December 13, 2010
NY city baby...part TWO
I went to NY city Saturday, which you can also read about in Sunday's post. The wife stayed home, but as I am out the door, she is like "let me get your picture, like the first day of school!" I went to see my best pals Julie and Seth and their CATS of course. You would go to NY to see their cats too. Of course, as you saw in yesterday's post, Julie's sister my other best pal Tiffany brought her little BABY ALEXANDER. You would travel hundreds of miles to see Alex :) My great-grandmother moved to East 79th street, one block from Julie's apartment, with HER mother my great-great grandmother and her son, my grandfather and lived there for decades, and my father eventually also grew up on that street. That is a lot of decades of Rith's there, a lot of generations too. My grandfather met my grandmother back around 1933 in the library in the cute building over my shoulder with the bright orange banner.
NY city has all the cool sights, like pigeons! There were THOUSANDS of Santas in NY on Saturday. Alexander with Tiffany there probably thinks Santa is EVERYWHERE. Park Ave is all lit up with Christmas trees. I went down also to see the Hopper paintings at the Whitney Museum. STUNNING. Me and my SIL Emily and this goofy head. Emily was my partner in crime for the day.... There is a bar on Emily's corner at 2nd Ave called Ship of Fools. We have been going there for a very long time whenever we are in NY...it is definately filled with fools....
That is interesting and fun to see where your grandmother lived and hear about so many generations of your family living in New York. Alexander is really a cutie pie.
you are so lucky to be able to get on a bus and be in NYC so quickly! thanks for the Pogues and Kirsty MacColl... love her music, sad that she is no longer with us
This post made me want to visit NYC during December. Actually, a friend and I started planning a trip for later this winter or early spring... we hope!
Wait, Maude stayed home?? Did you buy her Christmas present?
What an awesome trip! That's so cool to see where your family lived all those years ago. What a cute baby!!! Gorgeous! NYC looks like a cool place to visit.
NYC is always fun when Gary visits!! Thanks for all the kind words about us, about our apartment, the newphew, the sis, the 'hood and ALL! The Hopper show really was good, too - glad you got to see it.
That is interesting and fun to see where your grandmother lived and hear about so many generations of your family living in New York. Alexander is really a cutie pie.
As always, it looks like you had a great time. :)
Wait, I thought Santa WAS everywhere? ;)
you are so lucky to be able to get on a bus and be in NYC so quickly!
thanks for the Pogues and Kirsty MacColl... love her music, sad that she is no longer with us
I really want to go to NYC during Christmas time someday.
Cool story about the grandparents too dude.
This post made me want to visit NYC during December.
Actually, a friend and I started planning a trip for later this winter or early spring... we hope!
Wait, Maude stayed home?? Did you buy her Christmas present?
What an awesome trip! That's so cool to see where your family lived all those years ago.
What a cute baby!!! Gorgeous! NYC looks like a cool place to visit.
NYC is always fun when Gary visits!! Thanks for all the kind words about us, about our apartment, the newphew, the sis, the 'hood and ALL! The Hopper show really was good, too - glad you got to see it.
So, you did ok on your first day to school???
Cute pics Gary!
This looks like so much fun! That kid is just so adorable.
wow Gar..I wish I could be in NYC! Its always fun there right before christmas.
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