We are out awhile ago, walking the dogs around the village, and this super hawt young woman pulls up to the stop sign by us and is like, turning my way and totally undressing me with her eyes (or looking at the woodpecker in the tree behind me). I tell the wife
"that chick totally wants my buff little self" and the wife is like
"of course she does, what's not to love, the distinguished grey in your hair, the flat stomach" and I am like
"you know it baby" and the wife is like
"darling, when we get home, pour yourself a glass of that chardonnay I refuse to drink or serve to good company and play with your blog. I'll fix you dinner sweetheart" and I am like
and a second later, and I SWEAR THIS IS ALL TRUE, I am not making this up, this pickup is driving by, and these 2 guys are totally turning around to look at us and the wife is like
"I think those rednecks want you too, honey"...
Ahem, so she makes this rockin' good pizza with hot peppers and artichokes, YUMMO.

The pizza looks like it is worth the 6 month wait!
And of course those rednecks were checking you out. I emailed them the photos of you in the bathtub.
Pizza looks yummy, but what the heck is in that can? Super Electric Fizzy milk? :)
Maude! I love her. She's just the bestest.
What's not to love about the both of you?
Gary- we all want you and after tomorrow........
You go Maude!
She's funny AND she cooks a mean pizza. :)
Maude rocks! You probably should wear a beer baseball cap and dark shades so people won't chase you down, you hawt man!
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