Dang, lookit the beautiful plate Becky Jo sent me--what a wonderful potter! I am humbled by this kind of talent! I cannot BELIEVE the skill with which she decorated this plate! Thanks Beckster!

The wife wanted to go to huge garage sales and I said I would drop her and go to Cornell Plantations (acres of gardens and woods and all) with the beagle and meet her at JJ's. JJ's has the nicest patio in town for your coffee and such, and JJ herself gave Penny a treat. Moreover, they have a book swap. I think you can help yourself to the hundreds on the shelf, but it seems fair to leave 2 and take 2, for example. I left 2 dud books and took away 2 prizewinners, YAAAY!

This is the second piggy teapot I have made, the first was small, this one very big. Bill asked for it. Total fun to make, and then these pitchers: I am experimenting with shape and making sort of river forms on pieces.....these things are looking GOOD...now have to move the idea along to the next experiment....
Those pitchers are fantastic! And, of course, I love the full animated piggie pot!
The weather looks like it finally realized it is summer up there? huh?
Beautiful! I so wanna' come up there and see all the lush around y'all and visit with Lis and drink beer/s at the Chapter House....
Maybe one day.....
Gary those pieces are WONDERFUL! I LOVE how you are working with new forms -you've got the touch baby!! Must be all that greenery, loving wife and perfect pets ;o)
amigo... that place looks cool! and penny seems appreciative. good way to spend a day out of the studio
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