(vase by Gary Rith--for sale now at my online gallery)
Mother nature does purple and green beautifully (see iris below!) and the people who owned the house before us painted the house to match these exact flowers, which are at their peak this week. Some people think it is a crazy house color. Truckers and neighbors tell us it is good for directions: go a block past the purple house! or next to the purple house!
We absolutely love it, and ther is Buster in back checking things out....

I love your purple flowers as well as your purple house.
Donna Summer rocks!!!
Your house is the only purple house I've ever seen. It's a really awesome color.
Holy Green!!
I have a feeling that vase will get snatched up pretty quickly.
Your purple house is awesome. Checking in after a long weekend away... today I showed off your work to a friend.
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