(pottery by Gary rith) Let's just say I am super pleased with how the pots are going this week, OKAY? It is a very good streak.
I am not vain about my hair. It gets longer and fuzzier and every 8 weeks Rachel hacks off a bit.
Rachel is the COOLEST haircutter with the magic fingers, and she is also a COWGIRL for real. Well, she lives on a horse farm. Although Rachel is a beauty, she refuses photos, BUT I did manage a pic of the tattoo on her toe. Forgot to ask how much that hurt? Rachel explains that she has a WILD side. Michelle, the other cutter over there at the salon, is the coolest too. She doesn't mind photos, and she is also a beauty, and was wearing PINK cowboy boots and a little skirt yesterday, now that is COOL. Michelle is, drumroll please, also an accomplished, very accomplished potter. How about that? She and her hair customer were talking ovulation. I don't think many men go to this salon and women feel free to talk about things like ovulation. But believe me, for the magic fingers, YOU would go to Rachel too and feel like a movie star after.
You can see the wife making an important point here at the Chapterhouse bar for Friday happy hour. Someone seems to have punched out the window by the demon lamp, and the solution seems to be this paper pinup beer ad. It works.
Yesterday must have been the day for hair cuts. I tried to have mine cut, but there was this HUGE line in the shop.
Okay, class, everyone in their seats now and no snarky laughing, tittering -- NO, I did not say what your minds think I said! our subject is important so please listen closely but silently. while I explain the importance of ovulation, without which YOu, would not be here at all. so just think about that!.
On a more important subject -- Gary, you just keep on gettng better. Today's photos show me some incredicly wonderful work. Stay in the groove. It's gorgeous!
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