Me and Christi, the wife and Christi....

Stevo and Judy. Stevo is trying out a clever disguise.....

My wife with Christi and Benji--Benji opens a show today at the Kitschen Sink---great party planned, come on out!
I went down to the john to post an ad for Ben's thing and found a perfect spot for it over the left urinal (something to look at while you let go of all that beer!)
Frankly, I had to crop this photo--there was some not terribly literate writing and some rather rude drawing.....in December I had drawn a Santa above the left urinal, a nice friendly Santa, and well, he has NOT been respected....

Speaking of art, my buddy Mary Reynolds opened a show at Belle Melange of paintings and drawings and cool whatnot.....

Purple Valley at Castaways....

Stevo has been hired by the band to get photos, which is a GREAT GIG when you think about it...

My wife and Judy, hanging out at the MEN's room....

Last stop Friday night was Castaways with Stevo and his wife Judy. Our buddy Curtis is the drummer. He said later he had seen us there and got the band to play a couple of STONES' tunes.
Curtis is in 3-4 bands, Purple Valley is one of them. They play their own blues-country-rock, and OMIGOSH the wife was dancing. She had said before, mindful of one of the last NOISY power metal concerts we had gone to, that "I don't want to go, but I will because YOU want to go". She is a sweetie, she loves the Stones, we love Purple Valley. Castaways is a fantastic roadhouse on Cayuga Lake. You go out on the back deck to look at the view, and Cornell's crew team was out there practicing (seen just beyond us, up the lake)
(And that is also where all the smokers were hanging around)
Anyway, the band has 6 members, the woman who is the lead singer is the daughter, her mom keyboard and father harmonica, and I like this one pic where the singer is taking a break with her own daughter just offstage. There were dogs and little kids running around everywhere.
Plus, as you see in the post below, there was me and my marker and Stevo's unsuspecting flesh.....
Thank you Gary, for the nod about my opening. It was great to see you and Maude there.
wow, what a great Friday night, so sorry I missed it!
why am i up this early. ugh... need water. great times yesterday!
It looks like a great night. Fun and music and food. I would especially like the music. I listen to music all day because my hubby is playing guitar to the tunes he composes. Sorta like your wife likes the wonderful pottery you produce and she is part of it from start to finish.
Fun x 20! You guys know how to live it up. :)
I think I'd love this band!
SuperDad and I were at a bluegrass concert, although they also do some covers of old rock tunes. You haven't lived until you've heard some of those played on banjo and dobro! I sort of dragged my dh there, but he ended up enjoying it.
Oh my, you guys do have all the fun! Do you dress up in special party pants for these occasions?
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