She was at the shelter the first day I went to volunteer---15 pit bulls back in the cages, and the manager of the shelter is like "and then there is this dog we call Aspen, who is special" and there was a little beagle living in a basket in her office. She came out and crawled into my lap, wagging her tail and I was like
"can I have her???" and the manager was like "SURE!!!!" and the wife worked about one block away and I brought Aspen to meet the wife and there were tearful kisses and wags and all the rest, and we renamed her and I brought Penny home that day, where she joined our other dogs and cats.
Penny had been found in a snow storm. She had obviously just given birth---it was easy to see that she was a new mama, and was giving milk then too. She was turned into the shelter, but nobody was ever looking for a sweet and small beagle mama, and we don't know where she came from or what happened to her pups. I would like to believe she was in a loving family and had her pups in the kitchen and they were already 8 weeks old when she saw a squirrel outside and ran 100 miles and got lost (that is the story I hope for, it is also possible some sh!thead abandoned her in a snow storm).
ANYWAY, Penny is a small, 13 inch beagle, absolutely sweet and adorable and loves people more than any dog I have ever met (hates other dogs though) and she was spayed of course, and our vet guessed she was about 2 the day I adopted her, which became her birthday, April 28 :)

Happy birthday Penny!!!
that is a wonderful story. my daughter is VP of adoptions at the Bedford NH animal rescue league and also teaches classes all over the country for the ASPCA..i am going to send her a link to your post... she will love it.
and happy birthday miss penny!
Happy Birthday Penny!!!
Sweet story. Penny is a lucky dog. Of course your version of how she ended up at the shelter is absolutely true. Well, Beagles do wander.
Happy, Happy Birthday dear Penny! She is one very lucky 13 inch beagle who was adopted by such a caring family as you and Maude are!
It sounds to me that Penny actually "chose" you. Thats how we can to have the Budster, he "chose" my son. And I think its wonderful that you volunteer with the animals. The photo of Penny looking out the window is priceless. P.S. I too think the story that Penny chased a squirrel and got lost is the best one, however there are so many sh*theads out there who abandon their was their loss.
Penny is a precious gem of a pup! ust look at her face and it's easy to see. I am so glad you found each other. She has the life now!!
Happy Gotcha Day Penny! That is what we celebrate will all the dogs we have rescued, since we don't know their birthday. They don't get any less toys, cake or excitement-just a different title. Give her big hugs and kisses for me!
A fantastic story! You guys found each other. Twas meant to be. She's your little Penny.
(Of course she got lost in the snowstorm! And her puppies were born in a nice warm kitchen and then they were all adopted by loving families, just like she was)!
Happy Birthday, Penny! (Just pretend I am posting from the West Coast)
Happy Birtdhay Penny -am glad you're with a good family now!
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