Sorry. That probably all sounds, oh, I dunno, full of myself. Well, its a cute teapot. So I celebrated by getting pics of self with 3 of our 4 pets. (this green glaze is phenomenal, and I am hoping to try to make it at home soon)

(teapot by Gary Rith)

It is Perfect! You should be proud my man!
Love that green teapot!
I love all of these photos--especially the one of you on the floor with the kittie.
Oh my. It is super cool. Don't sound full of yourself. Just sound proud, as you should be!
You are right---that glaze is tops!
And just look at all those sweet animal faces. Awwwwwwwwwwww.
Wow!!! Nice one. You should put that one up for bids.
Now what?
The green teapot is AMAZING!! I LOVE the color!!!!!
You should "trumpet" your success with that teapot!
'Tis a beautiful pot Gary! ;)
I think you're right. That is probably your cutest elephant EVAH. And you know how much I adore the red teapot with the elephant...
The teapot is gorgeous! Love the fun photos of you all....
Save that teapot to enter in the next competition!! That glaze is absolutely stunning, Gary!!!! I like it better than any other green you use, and THAT'S saying a HECK of a Lot!!!
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