"at the office, we hold meetings and we just plunk down sugar packets and a milk carton, its totally uncool" and I am like
"???" and she is like
"we need a real sugar bowl and creamer, a little cup for the stirring sticks and a dish for the fake sugar packets" and I am like
"???" and she is like
"sooooo, could you make us....?"
and I did. I was in the mood to make some wavey groovy items. I made a dish to hold all the stuff too, or use as a cookie tray. Gorgeous eh????

I made an extra creamer and sugar too.
(pottery by Gary Rith)
Penny beagle acting like a punk again...
That set is beautiful. Make more. People will want them.
I really like the glaze colors you have. The blue and the green are especially nice!
Yes! make more they are groovy!
The set is perfect, everything she said they needed at her work. Beautiful colors too. Really like it.
Good stuff! The set looks great in that blue-green glaze.
Ooo.. that is a nice set... and much more appropriate for the meetings than sugar packets and a carton of milk. :)
The Pennster is a feisty one. She must think she's bigger than she actually is. :)
everything is better served with handmade dishes!
I noticed these pics on facebook before coming here. Gary! I love this!! This will knock off socks.
Seriously, this is the prettiest color ever. I held the computer up to Scott to brag on you. My goodness.
Gary those are LOVELY! I think the LOVE is definitely shining through on that set ;o)
Awesome, mon, like I'm gasping and lusting fora set like that. Really, really fine work there, Gary and the color is gorgeous!
Impressive! And I bet you get some orders coming in because of that!
Wonderful set, you could definitely sell more of those! I love the colors. Oh Penny, you are a hoot!
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