My rotten little French sock monkey Georges Le Soq has a few good habits (not many) and he was messing around in the kitchen tonight.
I asked "Georges, what kind of mess are you making?" and he is like
"ees NO mess, ees delicious, I guarantee. Get out of here" and I am like
"no way Georges, I just cleaned in here! Smells good though" and he is like
"eet smells, how you say, HEAVENLY. Chop dese onions and obey zee orders or you must leave"
Later, Georges is like, take dese pictures, and I need you to take dese notes: I make a, how you say, BLOG POST for you"
So, Georges is willing to share his....
GEORGES LE SOQ'S (and Gary Rith's) Quick and Easy Pan Pizza
In large mixing bowl, pour in 1 1/2 cups water, 4 teaspoons yeast, 2 teaspoons sugar and stir. Then add 2 tablespoons oil and stir. Then slowly stir in 2 1/2-3 cups flour, enough flour so mix is not sticky and has a nice spongy and cohesive feel. Stir until it seems almost together, then turn out onto floured counter. Scrape the bowl a little cleaner, then coat with oil and set aside.
Knead dough for awhile, adding flour to keep from sticking, then place into bowl, roll dough over, then cover and let sit about 1-2 hours.
Approx. 30 minutes before dinnertime, preheat oven to 400 and coat cookie sheet with a little oil.
Saute some veggies (if you are using very few veggies, chop them small and later put them right onto the crust, but I use a lot of veggies and a large bunch tastes better sauteed in a fry pan---becuase the excess water is already cooked off) in a fry pan with some oil, 5-10 minutes. Turn off heat, let sit and wait.
Turn out flour onto counter, knead a bit, then using a rolling pin roll it almost flat, then place onto cookie sheet and finish flattening and spreading it. Bake 6 minutes then pull out to top.
I make my own tomato sauce, but for quick, just use some of Newman's spaghetti sauce from a jar--quick and easy. Spoon some onto crust. Use slotted spoon and get veggies out of fry pan, spread around. Top with cheese--I use rice cheese, which is a fake non-dairy alternative. For this pizza, we sliced and seeded some tomatos and added those at the end.
Bake about 15 minutes, until it looks DONE. Pull out, let it sit 2 minutes, then cut and EAT. As Georges says
"ees zo GOOD"
I'll HAVE to try this.
Thanks Georges and Gary!
Ah, sounds delicious! Thanks Georges for sharing with us. Who cleaned up the kitchen afterwards??
oh we are so teaching clemetine to make this, Pronto!
Your pizza always looks soooo good! I have to try your recipe!
That looks freaking delicious!! Also, never thought of putting veggies INTO the crust. You're a genius Georges/Gary!
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