OK, above is the after, below the beFORE. I was over at Rachel and Michelle's salon yesterday, thank the Good Lord, finally getting all that crapola cut off my head. You put your curly little head in and out of a hat all winter long and you get sick of the rat's nest up there. Rachel did a magic job, per usual, although she is gonna be working at other things soon :(
You hate losing your favorite hair person, don't you? Luckily, Michelle isn't going anywhere, so it will be alright in the end :) That is Michelle there, actually, on the edge of the frame...
I woke up from a dream: the wife wants to get into roller derby! Oh how I love that dream. Can you guess why I dreamt that?????? It was a very, er, stimulating dream. I expressed these ideas to the wife at the breakfast table, who mentioned something about broken bones. Golly, that puts a damper on the whole thing, eh?
(tiny pitchers by Gary Rith)
Groovy new items for sale at my online etsy gallery, have a look!
SPEAKING of roller derby....
Pretty pitchers!
I got my hair cut on Tuesday. I was desperately in need of a cut. I was looking like a darn hippie!
Nice cut Gary!
You have good hair Gary.
I would advise the missus to stay away from those roller derby girls...they are Brutal. :)
Nice "Do" cousin wonderful. As soon as George gets better he wants to get one too.
Love the little pitchers, nice work. Don't you just love that band, I do. Remember I told you George's Mom was a skater, she loved the Roller Derby, watched it all the time. lol lol :)
Hippies ain't so bad, Jay. It's just their 'Hair'...Hair, Hair, Long Beautiful Hair!
Anyway - nice cut, Gary.
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