Bartster is telling me yesterday "my wife loves Georges and Ninja beagle, she has become quite a fan of your blog" and I warn him "Georges and Ninja beagle are putting together another post, so she BETTER like them!".
And I tell the wife "everybody is gonna see ninja beagle here looking so cute and go out and get one for themselves" and the wife tells me "It would be quieter if they just BOUGHT ONE OF YOUR BEAGLE MUGS". Good point!
Yesterday Georges is like "mon ami, I want to carve zis pumpkin" and he is waving around a big knife and a CAN of pumpkin and I explain
"Georges, you can try to knife it open, but I think it would be wiser to use a can opener".
Years ago, like 17 years ago, we taught at a prep school in Massachusetts and Jennie shared some kick ass pumpkin muffins with us, and did us one better by sharing the recipe*. Georges and I made them yesterday...and nobody got hurt......(funny about Jennie, and reconnecting on facebook years later: her 2 babies are like, high schoolers. WTF? How did that happen???? )
Jennie's maple syrup kick ass pumpkin muffins
preheat to 350
grease 24 muffin tins or put in muffin cup papers
-cream 16 tbs margerine or butter with 1/2 cup brown sugar
-add 3 eggs, cream some more
-add teas. vanilla
-add one cup maple syrup and 15-16 oz can pumpkin, stir stir stir
-add total 3 cups flour, we used one whole wheat, 2 white
-stir in powdered cloves and cinnamon and one teas. each of baking powder and baking soda
-add one cup raisins and one cup nuts, like walnuts, stir stir stir!
Spoon the mixture into your 24 muffin cups. It seems liquidy, but no worries. Bake about 15 minutes, then peek in, test with a knife to see if they are done, prob needs a few minutes more, until they are toasty brown looking and the knife stuck in comes out clean.
Darlusz and I should try this weekend or next to make those muffins. I'll keep DZ away from the knives, though, he can get clumsy.
Hope he doesn't turn into pumpkin ninja frog.
Cheers, Matt
Those muffins look wickedly good.
Also, I had a knife exactly like that one, but it's been missing for years. YEARS. Should I suspect Georges of finding it?
I copied this recipe into my recipe file online and I am going to make this. Thanks for the recipe.
Penny looks like a wee puppy in these pictures!
Will definitely try this recipe too.
The peanut butter cookies recipes you had up here awhile back was a huge hit.
Did you know pumpkin is a natural wormer? You know, just in case Georges has any issues...
I gave you a blogger award over on my site - go check it out when you are done with your lovely food.
Wow, love muffins. Would never trust Georges with a knife though. Monkeys get wicked thoughts, no self control.
Ah, and sweet Penny, what can I say. Love that little girl.
I was just going to say that Penny looks like a pup! Kerry sees it too. She totally does. She's a spry little gal.
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