(mugs by Gary Rith, on sale at my etsy gallery now!) These mugs have a skull sitting on the bootom! FREAK OUT your friends!
And dig the nice socks to wife gave me for Valentine's...
I gave the wife Modern Love by Bowie. Holy cats, FAV-OR-ITE album of all time maybe. She had it on cassette, I had it on vinyl. Finally catching up on the CD :)
snazzy socks! I have a bandana that matches them!
Hi Gary, hope you and Maude had a wonderful Valentines Day together.
Excellent sock choice, Maude!
You know how I feel about your skully pots. Keep em coming!
Those socks rock!!
Do you have a thing about death heads?
Death heads?! HAHA! What in the world? I have never heard that term before.
Bad Ass! And Bowie Kicks Ass too!
love the mugs gman!
Oh yeah, Bowie and skulls, and animals. Ah now that is perfection to us! ;)
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