(cups by Gary Rith, but not just ANY cups, available at my etsy gallery)
Its like, zero out there. Winter weather warning or emergency or something like that this morning. 8 more inches of SNOW. Then getting colder. And snowier. DANG!
Well, so you start thinking of BEACH AND BIKINI time, and the wife and I wrote this haiku about my rude French sock monkey, Georges Le Soq
Georges says bikini
Season is coming quite soon
Will he wax it all?
speaking of bikinis.....same musical guests as yesterday....but soooo funny....and bikinis!
Gary my dear, do you have two of the mugs with a penguin inside? I want them. Please email me.
if georges decides to wax it all... NO PICTURES PLEASE!
The thought of a waxed nekkid monkey gives me the heebiejeebies.
Don't do it, Georges.
LOVE the cups. My favorite color!
Yay to bikini season!
The frog in the cup is adorable! Lilly-pad and all!
And, that singer guy looks like a young, pubescent Michael J. Fox. :-P
Gary-Sorry about the weather in your area.
In my town it's almost 70 degrees.
HOWEVER we had a tornado watch the other day and they suggested going into our basements, but we live in Southern California and we have no basements due to the fact that we will have a giant earthquake someday soon.
Does that help ease your weather bummer at all?
Love the cups with a surprise at the bottom.
Don't wax, Georges! That would be a b*tch to maintain!
I love the penguins...can't possibly think about bikini's though!!!
Aaacckk! I just don't think I could handle a photo of the sock monkey a la waxed! I WANT two coffee mugs with penguins, do you have any for sale?? I am trying to upgrade the coffee cup cupboard, get rid of the trashy souveneir mugs and at least have something decent to serve coffee in to guests! I will be awaiting your reply about the penguin mugs...
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