I am wearing my Mickey Mouse tee yesterday and have a flash of inspiration for the pizza.
So I have a ball making this specially shaped pizza and my rude French sock monkey Georges Le Soq sees the finished item and he is like
"mon ami! you haff made zee SOCK MONKEY PIZZA!" and I am like
"no I didn't. I made a pizza shaped like somebody a lot more famous, and a lot less French...."
Its a pretty good Mickey Mouse pizza is it not? I want one of those Mickey waffle makers one day....
pass me an ear!
I'll take the other ear. :)
Then I'll take the earless head!
No, Becky doesn't get the head, she has to share with hubby and me.
Yum! Pretty sure Mickey's ear is the same size as the pizza I ordered yesterday was.
Wow, I mean that truly looks delicious. :) yummy for sure! Spike is really a great cat, and amazing to study. Maude is such a great sport always being the prop for Spike. We love her dearly, she is perfect! :)
can you make a felix the cat pizza next?
lol . . . you crack me up
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