Kasey tells me that her mom reads my blog first thing every morning. Holy cats, what an HONOR, even if it isn't true! Dear Kasey's mom: I think the Easter Beagle may have, um, well, time for me to shut up......
Then, remember last week? I post a pic of a penguin on a cup bottom. So many people wrote asking about those, and I am making 13 today and firing later, but anyways, last week? Charlotte, like, totally snaps up that mug, literally seconds after I post it. This is how it went back home with her sweetheart the next day:
I double-surprised Jack with the mug this weekend. I filled up the
coffee mug. He commented on its beauty. He drank his coffee until,
2/3 of the way through, he scrunched up his face and brought the mug
to me.
"I think there's something gross in here."
I looked into the cup. "It looks like a tooth," I said. (Seriously,
the top of the penguin head in the cup looks like a floating molar.)
Stunned silence.
Me: "I don't think it's really a tooth."
Him: "What is it, then?"
Me: "Another surprise."
Him: "Oh."
He drank the coffee, then, exclaimed: "A bird!"
We laughed.
Him: "Don't you think it's a bit strange to have a penguin in a cup
of coffee?
Me: "I think it's ironic: A cold bird in a hot mug!"
Why YES, Penny does have a personalized doggy bowl....
OK, Hollywood snow. Those of us who see a lot of snow, you really do think there are at least 20 kinds of the stuff. Hollywood, of course, always uses the sprayedon looking stuff. There goes Jennifer Anniston and that toothy guy, walking Marley in some romantic snowy paradise that...looks fake. Well, truly, sometimes our snow really does look fake. Sprayed on. Like Sunday morning, and again this morning :)
Spike and Buster.....
HI Kasey's Mama!!! (waves enthusiastically from Canada)
Gary! penguin mugs are a brilliant plan.... thirteen is a lot of them! phew!I like the idea of a happy surprise at the bottom of the mug.
Hi Kasey's Mom also. We adore Gary's blogs too.
Love the Penguin appearing as a tooth on the bottom of the cup. Wow, thirteen of them, that is a lot. Once got a job for 90 doggie bowls, with my dancing bones pattern, and a personalized logo inside. Whew, what a job. I could make them in a coma now...lol lol lol :)
Just completed two more, a kitty bowl with fish, and a doggie bowl. Just sold another "Arf Arf" treat jar. Whew, when you hit on something the public wants, it is quite amazing to me.
Good job...keep it up. From a Potter who knows, Gary's pottery really rocks...buy some. :)
LOL, Charlotte that was a great and fun trick to play on your husband.
Hi, Kasey's mom! I get many compliments on my Gary-made dishes. (Sadly, he has never made me a tater tot pizza... but I suppose that does not mail well...)
Hi, Mom! Of course she read this blog post before I had a chance.
I am so laughing at that mug conversation.
I sent a link of the penguin mug to my blog friend ChiTown...she is part penguin.
Hey, My MOM reads my blog first thing each day...I wonder if she reads yours???
Still very impressed with the Missus's writing skills!
Still tons of snow here, and unfortunatley it is not fake! UGH.
We also had some not-fake snow here this morning, too. We're at the time in winter where all of the kinds of snow give me anger management issues.
Can you put a cow in a mug? I drink out of my Gary cow mug every day, and your penguin got me thinking.
Loved this post! And, loved the cold bird in a hot mug! Love the pups and kitties!! Missed the missus post.
I 'USED' to read you first thing each morning; what up with that? Oh yeah. Y'all finally coerced me to FB....
:-P But, I'm reading you know when I totally said I was going to work on my writing assignment due this week.
Congrats on the big penguin mug sale!!!!
Hi Kasey's mom!
I totally forgot how racy this video was! It came out shortly after we adopted our first dog, so I always sang it as "Minchy's mom has got it on going on."
Just a little vanity there.
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