One thing I love about spike cat is that he is very mellow and playful. One thing I like about Penny beagle is she playful and energetic. Her favorite pal is Spike, and I have to say, Spike cat is very nice to her and she is a bit over the top, what with the leaps, jumps, wrestling and sneaky attacks= Ninja beagle....
Ninja beagle also crept up behind me on my chair and curled up and fell asleep...
(bowls by Gary Rith)
Dig the bowls, eh?
I have heard that it is national Tater Tots Day...I don't have any, but Napoleon does...
My question is... why would Napoleon take a BITE of the tater tot?... if he's trying to be so sneaky, eat the whole thing!
Same question as Becky.
One of my all time favorite movies!
Does Penny have a license to carry her paw-weapons??
I LOVE Napoleon too!
Hmm, good point. I love that he has a cargo pocket full of tots.
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