The wife is poking through a cupboard and starts sorting this box she finds. A little time bomb! Catch the pic of me with the 'stache, doing my thing, 12-13 years ago. Had the stache from 1993-2003, its part facial hair, part something else creature, is it not?
Did you have your black eyed peas yesterday? Southern tradition, and the wife is from the south, requires black eyed peas and ham for good luck in the new year. We do hoppin' John, which is veggies, black eyed peas, rice, and in our case, soy based ham. We didn't have the ingredients and briefly wondered if a quick extra trip to the store was needed and realized that 2010 was pretty dang lucky, and we had eaten a boatload of hoppin' John, therefore, we ran to the store :)
amigo, bring back the stache! so debonair... maybe it had something to do with luring the brown trout
Oh yes, we ate black eyed peas yesterday. Why take a chance?
That's a pretty fantastic pornstache right there!
we were right there being the southern bell I am I would never, never buck the tradition.
I did a Black-eyed pea salad with cooked greens-steamed, squeezed dry and chopped- then add it in.
We took it with us to a New Years Day dinner and It was great with the other stuff.
yep... we had the black eyed peas, collard greens and side meat, even though we are here in NH! it was a nice compliment to the ham & au gratin potatoes that my sister cooked. nobody up here even knew about the traditional good luck meal.
yep... we had the black eyed peas, collard greens and side meat, even though we are here in NH! it was a nice compliment to the ham & au gratin potatoes that my sister cooked. nobody up here even knew about the traditional good luck meal.
Yikes! Forgot the black-eyed peas! We did pizza and Harry Potter last night then True Grit and theater popcorn today...hmm what kind of New Year am I off to?! LOVE the flash back shot :o)
Tee hee, forgive me for giggling, Gary. That is QUITE the 'stache.
no black-eyed peas for us... but the hubster is starting the new year with a new/old mustachio. I love it! He hasn't had it for some 20 years and grew it back at my request. So handsome!
You look younger now than you did over a decade ago .
The stache! awesome.
Ho ho! What is that caterpillar doing on your face? Jay's comment cracked me up.
I'm not southern, even if I do live "in the South", so we had navy bean soup made with excellent stock from the Christmas ham bone. (Also, none of us care for the taste of black eyed peas but several of the boys love navy bean soup.)
Got any ladders I can walk under? ;)
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