"what glaze color do you guys think would be good for the puggy teapot?" and Kasey is like
"BLACK AND RED! The goths love black and red. Punks too! The goths totally rock the red and black" and I am like
"Kasey, the teapot is for Becky Jo's MOM, do you think her MOM is a goth?"(thinking, she might be, but.....) and Becky Jo is like
"well, um, you could do black and red, but I am thinking BLUES" which is what I did, as you see, but
KASEY'S BRILLIANT suggestion stayed in my mind, and I wanted to make a black and red item, which I have only done once or twice, and frankly, this teapot rocks too.

Here is a little unwholesome music. The wife is sitting at the breakfast table just now singing The Cramps and Bikini Girls With Machine Guns...and you just gotta have it...
I love the red/black and the blue.
The goths down here stick to just black...all black. :0
Those teapots rock!
OMG! MY MOM IS GOING TO LOVE IT! Ok, I'll stop yelling now... ahem.. no, really.. she's going to love it. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! :)
Oh god. It's super exciting seeing my idea brought to life and it being so completely awesome!
You're a good man even asking advice of a non-potter such as myself.
Love them both!
amigo... the black red combo is a winner
your teapots are great! I like to twisty blue handles the bamboo attaches to. I have to say that the black and red is very cool!
Yeah, that black and red is gorgeous!
I love that black and red, but i am that kinda girl!
( use the word girl with a grain of salt...)
Hot stuff those teapots!
The red and black would totally match my kitchen!!
Hooooeeee! You have GOT to do more of that wildly gorgeous red and black. It's primo stuff, Gary! Love it, love it, love it!
Oh I love the red and black! And I too love the twisty handles on the blue teapot. They both totally rock!
Both teapots are way cool. Especially like the second one.
The pug with the tongue, he looks good on blue.
I'm a blue kind of gal, but Oh. My. That. RedAndBlackTEAPOT!!!!! Awesome.
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