At that point, according to my neighbor and his ruler, we had 15 inches of snow. We shoveled. This morning there seems to be at least another 12-24 inches on my porch. I could only push my door open a few inches to let the dogs out, the snow is blocking the dooor closed. They couldn't go more than a couple of feet, and did their business right there in the snow on the porch....

Remember the early 00s when the Killers came on the radio and kicked AZZ? Before their cute boy singer grew a beard and their music went down the tubes? Dig some awesome stuff from their beginning....
Those are super cute little teapots. Every time you post a pic of one, I'm singing the teapot song in my head. :)
Poor Pennster... her little belly must get cold.
Glad we're sharing the snow, Gary. A little more than 2 feet here and another 6-8 expected. Couldn't get the front door open here either and the dogs...well, trying to get them out on to the deck and down the steps was something else!
Do you think this will melt by June??? ;)
That's 6-8 inches...ha!
cool, the killers, i dont see clips these days i dont think i wake up early enough for them sat mornings...heheh...aww beagles sooo cute...
The snow we got is more rain that forzen stuff. Kind of falling slush, but at least it's only 2-3" of it.
Penny doesn't look too happy in that second picture. How's Buster getting along?
I love those black teapots! Beautiful stuff!
Penny looks like she's not so crazy about the snow. The dogs look like their having a conference about about the weather like coworkers would around the water cooler. ;)
I've always made teapots this size too- fun to make, customers like them and fun to use!
I love those teapots!!!!!
Love the teapots. The dogs must be getting weary of all the snow. I would stop on the porch too, if I had to go outside all the time!
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