"Benji, you outta join me next week at the pot shop, check it out" cause Benji is a painter who has also done a lot of ceramics and sculpture, and so today, he comes along and Max and Tommy are there and Paul and Sofia and we are all makin' stuff and gossiping about YOU (really!) and then, of course, you celebrate week's end by going to the Chapterhouse and Nicki came along and my Missus of course and Benji carves a little lanscape into the table and....
HEY, I am on a secret mission--reporting back Saturday eve or Sunday :)

Fun fun fun. I'm going to convince Kasey to roadtrip, then we'll have to do all this when we're there.
Ben, is that a nekkid lady on your plate?! :)
looks like friday is the day to be hangin at the cornell pot shop. nothing like working up a thirst making clay stuff and heading down for a pale ale.
Looks like fun!
I'm glad to see Benji and Georges didn't break into fisticuffs.
Gary - tons of fun as always.
If someone can look adorable in a knit hat, it'd be Ben.
The Chapter House looks like the coolest place. Maybe my Gal Pal and I'll make a road trip this summer and saunter our way up North to NY!
We'll swing by and pick up Lis and her crew and join ya! Maybe. ;-) You just neeeeever know!
hey you! was looking all over the barnyard for ya and where do i find you but at the PUB. should've guessed. hope you drank one for me since i'm no longer allowed to drink alcohol (long story. ask soubry ...;)
Man I do like your Fridays for sure.
Ben is the pinup of the blog world.
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