The Cornell Sun newspaper runs Mr Gnu the comic, which is pretty perverse, and I noticed some enterprising young tagger has made a stencil to decorate campus with Mr Gnu flipping the bird....and sometimes you just want to flip the bird at the world, don't you????
Exquisite music, all over the radio, enjoy them live
Yup - sometimes ya do!
(Today is Jimbo's birthday)...
I think Kasey needs a poster of Mr. Gnu in her cube at work. That way, when the toast eater comes to annoy her, she can just point at the Mr. Gnu poster.
BTW, L.O.V.E. the hair in your header photo! I think you should grow it out again. :)
I think Kasey needs a poster of Mr. Gnu in her cube at work. That way, when the toast eater comes to annoy her, she can just point at the Mr. Gnu poster.
BTW, L.O.V.E. the hair in your header photo! I think you should grow it out again. :)
That is really funny!!!
Love those raspberry pants, but the wifes Jacket is awesome!!!
I'm awaitin' some SERIOUS BLING to arrive so that I can flip the ex off in style ...... oh yeah. and i'm going to suggest that my lover gave me the serious bling as well when the girlfriend starts givin me crapola about how she really really DOESN'T WANT the 2 or 3 carat diamond the ex is shopping for her.... riiighhhtttt.
Mr Gnu is not alone. Flipping off the world is a much needed outlet in the inner city.
Flipping off the world is considered therapy in come circles.
was the young tagger you???
MR. GNU!!! I need you!
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