OK, here's a story you won't believe. Keep reading....
(me doing that ZOOLANDER thang)

Alright, so last week? My kiln craps out, right????? I am able to fix it and it fires correctly twice then today its all loaded and ready to fire to 2200 degrees today, BUT THE ALARM goes off at 8am when the kiln reaches 700 degrees, DAMMITALL!
I am cursing, I am cussing, only thing to do is unplug, let it cool, take it apart later and fix whatever is broken NOW. But I have no time to fire the kiln Thurs-Sunday, I needed to fire it today and go to the store tomorrow etc. But I get this flash of inspiration, and tell the wife that early today I can go to the store instead, and if she comes along before work (this being her birthday week) I can drop her at her favorite second hand store for 45 mins or so. And I do.
I return and she is like "which brown skirt do you like?" which is like the KISS OF DEATH to a husband--I mean, who cares what I think, husbands have to sort of nod and smile and let the wife decide----except in this case it was easy.
"Look honey, this one looks OK, but that one is babysh!t brown. Get the un-babysh!t brown skirt" and she sees the logic of that, and we go to the register.
And there, shining brightly behind the check out is THE MOST GORGEOUS leather jacket you have ever seen in your life and I see the tag sez COACH and XS, the wife being tiny: and I say to the lady
"hold on a sec with the skirt, can my wife try on that jacket?" it being her birthday week and all and we step over to the side, and the lady sez
"there are more over there"
but this one is SO BEAUTIFUL and close to brand new and a PERFECT FIT and a PERFECT STYLE but we go look at the others and I am like
"holy shirt, lookit those men's raspberry colored Levis!!!!!!!!!! MY SIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
and we go up to the register AGAIN and get the 2 dollar skirt, the 4 dollar RASPBERRY COLORED LEVIS for me and the not-exactly-free-but-fantastic-price leather jacket and empty out or wallets and off we go....
and then Georges and Jacques Le Soq are all over me. Georges is like
"mon ami, get zee gold jacket, I try on dese pants" and he does and I am like
"HA! I don't have to share with you, they are TOO BIG!" and since the wife isn't around, he grabs the leather jacket and puts it on and I am like "HAHA she doesn't have to share her jacket either!!!" and Georges is like
"MERDE! Dese greedy Americans...."

I got these boys TOPPED....