So, you know: typical bad behavior at the weekly Friday afternoon Chapterhouse happy hour.... Spike and Penny say they look cute in the sunshine....

Earlier Friday I was up at the Aurora Art and Design Center, reloading the shelves, dang that gallery is SLICK----although there was this yuppie idiot tourist who was waving some merchandise at me while I was decorating my shelves
"HOW MUCH do these cost? Do they have any sayings inside???"
and I politely responded I did not work there, ask at the desk, and she just kept staring at me, like I should come over to her, and then she FINALLY takes out her damn ear buds....and again she waves the merchandise at me
"what is the price on these is there anything written inside???" and I AGAIN politely say I do not work there, please ask at the desk and go fork yourself"
No. Did not say that last bit.

As Bucky in Get Fuzzy would say "Catchin' the last rays of the day? Yeah, I'm down with that." :)
Was Maude placing the popcorn in your mouth or throwing it and hoping you can catch it? I love trying to catch food like that! Me and Kyle like playing food catch.
Someday I'll be at the happy hour and it will be GLORIOUS!
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