HA! No post SATURDAY! This will have to satisfy you. Back with the recap Sunday, but in the meantime, you know, Friday afternoon happy hour at the Chapterhouse, and holEE CATS there were a lot of friends this week...

Brett and Kerry are wild, we did not have to introduce them to our evil ways, they are already naughty....
I gave Brett a sharpie tat of a beagle chasing a bunny....

Ben did a whole landscape on Christi's arm....she says she is never going to bathe ever again....

the missus, Nicki, Brett....

BEN gets down on Christi's arm....

LIKE I was saying about Kerry and Brett, they travel with TOYS.

Also had Elon, far left, and Joan on the right...

Christi and my wife flash some thigh, holy cats!

gorgeous missus and me in my awesome BABB baseball tee....

Nicki and Joan with Nicki's big azz camera....

Elon looks innocent, but we are corrupting him this summer....

Speaking of cute bunnys being chased by beagles....dig these mugs I took out of the kiln today.....

I seriously cannot emphasize how excited we were to participate in this weekly bacchanalia. We feel like celebrities to even get mentioned!
Wowee! Those are some sexy legs those ladies are flashing!
Love the shirt. Love it!!!
Yikes, I am missing all the fun. I just gotta get there when I return. Leaving here Monday on the train. See you Friday!
I don't know why everyone doesn't travel with toys. That's a hellava idea. :)
i dont remember being there
but it looks like we had fun! are you sure those toys weren't in the popcorn to start with?
I like the idea of someone traveling with toys!
Although I have never been there, I adore The Chapterhouse...
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