(rather extraordinanry pots by Gary Rith)
YOU'LL NOT here me whingeing and whining, OH NO!
But, well, seems like a lot of stuff has been breaking down in my life lately. There is probably a scientific principle involved here, so I wrote a wee little poem to try to UNcurse the various mechanical items in my life:
Broken computer,
Wife hacks it apart,
Now better than new...
Autoworks guy does his magic,
Partly covered by warrenty, YES!
BLACK THURSDAY: sh!t hits the fan.
Tax forms from hell, dropped a tray of fresh made pots,
Fat woodchuck eats garden, but WAIT!
It gets worse.
Water done gone,
One last flush,
Money down the drain,
Plumber driving a Mercedes.....
DO NOT SAY: what next?
Gary... I think I may have said this last time (when your computer was on the fritz?)... if all your pots are turning out fab (like they are), but other stuff is breaking, it's probably because you haven't sacrificed a pot to the kiln gods. Maybe make a little voodoo doll or something and fire it when it's still not completely dry so it blows up... then everything else will work. ;)
Gary... that is a fantastic poem. What stye did you write that in?
Love the poem. Put that day behind you.
Oh Gary, I hate that you had such a day. My Mom always tells me when things get bad they always seem to get super good right after.
And you aren't whining AT ALL. You're allowed bad days and to express what a bummer they are.
I hope things turn right around for ya. I hope water flows from all the pipes. Not a pot will be broken and all will turn around.
Yesterday was one of THOSE days. today will be filled with roses and sunshine. I think there was something in the air yesterday, the icky day reached New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. My friend whitefeather is blaming the coming eclipse
Yesterday was one of THOSE days. today will be filled with roses and sunshine. I think there was something in the air yesterday, the icky day reached New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. My friend whitefeather is blaming the coming eclipse
hey- are you having one of my months! I better get to my poem of woes!
Here is to sunshine and berries!
water guy coming over later, hopefully they can get something going :)
OH, and the poem started as a haiku, then kinda grew :)
OK... I was thinking Haiku... and then I thought WOW - that's a really long Haiku. ;)
It is always something Gary...and it is not ALWAYS a good something.
Hope it all gets better for you.
Have a great weekend!
Everything always seems to go at once. They never can space these things out to be more helpful.
But, on the other hand, you get all this over and done with. Now you can go back to everything working fine and being happy!
Really sorry to hear of your well problems. Believe you me, George and I know what that is. The only good thing I can say is that it didn't happen when it's 10 degrees below zero, and twelve feet of snow. In the past when we had well problems it was in the summer also, so at least I didn't have to wait the winter out to get it done. We really feel bad for you, truly.
But that jug thing at the top of your entry is very ....... (and I want to use a very bad word here) exquisite!
Gary, if this is what it takes to ramp up your incredibleness as a potter, I'm sorry, but by crikey, Pottery God you are!!!!
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