Do you have any idea how unusual it is to have a week+ of 70+ sunny weather in March in upstate NY? The first day of spring is actually...springish? And more: that there would be amazing flower blooms 1-2 months early? Like Penny with me at Cornell's arboretum and these pink flowers...NEVER have we seen blooms like that in March....
Penny and I called the wife "it is GORGEOUS out" and the wife is like "I have a boatload of boxes for you, bubble wrap too" (you know I ship all the time, and she scrounges supplies around the university for me to save MONEY)
and I was like "HA! There is an excuse, Penny and I will walk around the gardens then pick you and the boxes up!".
We came across this extraordinary rocky bench in the woods pictured below, "what beauty God hath wrought" carved in there.....

OK, sure, a lot of pictures of me and my beagle.....but well, its my blog, eh? Have an awesome Wednesday!

I love all the photos...as well as the awesome quote!
Enjoy your spring Gary!
I'm always happy to see photos of Penney and Spike.....oh yeah and their humans.
Daffodils, vinca, and crocuses out here. We are about 5 miles from the coast so it tends to be a little cooler here. When we drove into the middle of CT on Saturday to pick up Winter, I saw azaleas, magnolias and other spring perennials in bloom. Toes crossed that when the blueberries bloom (soon) we won't have a cold snap that will kill the flowers and the season.
The weather has been the same here.. and will continue for another couple of days. Everything is budding and blooming and the grass is greening up. Unheard of up here. I'm loving every minute of it. Please give sweet Penny a scratch behind the ears for me. :)
We love pictures of Penny. Besides, it looks too nice to work all day.
The Spring color here has been spectacular!!! Love it. Gotta get some pix.
Daffodils and flowering pear trees in full bloom here! I'm really enjoying having the windows and doors wide open in March!
I've got no flowers here. Just cold rain and snow flurries....
OMGosh, I just now (2pm) looked out the window and it is SNOWING AGAIN!!! Of course, it won't stick but someone forgot to tell Mother Nature that it is springtime. My inlaws live 2 hours away and ALL their spring flowers are blooming. Me? I got nothing but snow flurries and brown grass.
Still, I will be glad for your beautiful weather and flowers, and free boxes and bubble wrap, too! :)
It's your blog, and there are a lot of dog fans out here. I want to make a secrect seat like the one you found in the gardens.
Soooo pretty!
This time of year there are constant reminders of what God hath wrought.
It's been in the MID EIGHTIES down here.
That's just wrong.
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