What on earth are these things swarming all over the side of my house? Occaisionally one gets inside. They are harmless but (in haiku form!):
What is this insect?
It is: finally, a bug
The cat won't eat.
Dig YET another Godzilla teapot, oh my oh my! Have a great weekend!

Gotta love Box Elder Bugs!! Creepy aren't they?
Boxelder bug. A true beetle.
I guess if I was objective about it I would say the bugs pattern and color reminds me of the Princeton Univ shield symbol :)
Ivy league bugs if there ever were such things!
Great teaset from the other day, by the way!
Yes! Bugs! Sweet inspiration!
Even harmless bugs, en-mass like that can feel creepy. I'd rather look at Godzilla.
You said it Lori! That is just one patch of them, there were thousands on that side of the house!
when i worked with young children there would be a gazillion on the side of the school building each year at the same time... we called them twiddle bugs because we didn't know what they were! now i know the name.
bugs in large quantities are not enjoyable unless you are a kid.
Love the teapot at the top--- form, colors; what a great top too.
Heh... Box Elder bugs are pretty much harmless. They're in my studio too. All of them are named 'Fred', which is my attempt to humanize them so I don't kill them and have dead bugs all over the studio. ;)
Hey, bugs! Harmless, but foul-tasting (or so I hear...). Not beetles, btw.
Also, I LOVE the color scheme on the pot.
it is tempting to get the vacuum cleaner and deal with Fred and his friends and relations quickly....
haha :) Summer is a real live bug doctor, too! I knew she would come along today....
Oh knowing you, you'll be designing some pottery inspired by them. ;)
NO, I cannot say I plan to make BUG POTTERY. Well, never say never...and grotesqueries can be fun :)
Eastern Boxelder Bugs. They feed on Maple Trees.
They wouldn't be so creepy if they weren't hanging out is such large crowds.
YUCK! I hate those bugs!!! They are so sickening.
I get a simillar bug here but it has an orange cross on its back, i wonder if it is related to the elder bug. It often hangs out on any plant that flowers orange like my lions tail. I often think of a soldiers shield when looking at them, not that` soliers have carried shields in a few centuries
An easy and safe solution made out of a little dish soap and water will kill these pesty bugs when you see them swarming outside...
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