My rotton French sock monkey Georges Le Soq is running around the kitchen with a knife yesterday, chasing 2 frightened apples until he corners them on the cutting board. He is like:
"I geet you, you miserable red snacks, I geet you and I grind you into applesauce!" and I am like
"Georges, maybe you could make a tart instead?" and the knife FLIES and THWACK, there goes a slice and he says
"oui, I would zay she was a cheap tart, zo I make zee cheap tart" and again, the knife FLIES and THWACK another apple is sacrificed to the oven....and OH MY, so tasty....
Before I scrolled down I thought the title meant iMacs! I have an iMac and so does hubby and I thought oh no, how could silly cutie pie Georges hurt a Mac! Ha. Silly me. It is your fault for letting Georges run around with a knife. But he did the hard work for you and sliced the apples. Good boy, Georges.
point A) apple tart is delish and
b) the whole house smells so wonderful!
Georges, your methods may be unconventional, but the final product always delicious!
oh yeah... the smell of apples & cinnamon baking!!
Georges is like Salvadore, always drama, and their approach to life is well, Monkey lol lol :) Love the apple faces that is so funny!
I like fruit desserts, have always been a fan of pies, tarts, and coffee cakes loaded with fruits. YUMMY! But then again George and I are always fans of sugar! lol :)
Georges! Vous êtes un singe peu de mal. Gary profite toujours de votre saccages meurtriers!
When I saw it in my blogroll I thought, "Georges better not be attacking MACs!" LOL!
Looks yummy, dangerous but yum-yum!
Oh, and loved the expressions on the apples! Great acting there!
good lord, what does that person say? I don't know French! (I don't think Georges does either!)
yum, french tarts. where can i meet, i mean get one of them..?
Does Georges share his recipe secrets? My house would like to smell like MacIntoshes...
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