"YES, but I had to prepare the clay, later I trim and finish the mug, glaze it, load it into the kiln etc etc". Each step of making a mug is pretty quick BUT I tell customers it adds up to about 1/2 hour per mug. (I have no idea, but it is a convenient number, right? I mean, I have to go up and buy the clay, load the car, unload the car, feed my cat, walk the dog, make a handle for the mug, you know?)
OK, so I may throw a mug shape quickly, but you know what is NOT quick yet my FAVORITE part of these mugs????? SCULPTING the handles! I told you last week I was trying to make hippos as handles and it took forever (my mind clicks like a taxi meter on all the time it takes to make them, upping their future price), then trying elephants, now Godzilla and... a CAT! I was so pleased Friday to suddenly realize the TAIL could become an important part of the handle...
the point? I LOVE sculpting most of all in pottery, but DANG it takes forever....but it is sooooo sweet....

I love the animal handles, and cat is just perfect, er Purr-fect. Yes it's a good thing potters aren't paid by the hour, rather by the piece.
And the critters look as happy as perhaps the sculptor is while making them. Ever wonder what it would be like to make little sculptures that are used as part of the process of animating for movies?
It's all the background stuff that adds to the cost of pottery. Throwing the pot is only the beginning!
It takes time to develop the hand strength, fine muscle control and skill, too. People don't take experience into account when they see you "magically" produce a graceful shape. You are a master craftsman, Gary! {{{{{Hugs}}}}}
Yes, that does make it sweet!!!!
Wait, you stop working to feed the cat and walk the dog??? LOL. Me too!
OMG, I might need a cat mug as well as a hippo. You are making art there.
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