I took Penny down to our cemetery yesterday to get some spooky pictures....this part of upstate NY is not as old as the Hudson Valley, as far as European settlers, but old enough. Village of Etna cemetery has at least one dude in there from the Revolutionary War and many from before, during and after the Civil War. A favorite headstone of mine is the Union Captain Bartholomew from here who died like 1864...and his widow, buried next to him, died around 1915! There is also a terribly sad series of stones, (to the best of my recollection): 5 children from one family who all died on different days within 2 weeks around 1870. The parents are buried next to the kids, having outlived them by many years. As a matter of fact, the cemetery is filled with kids (some of the stones are cute--I will get more pics another day). Life was pretty flippin' tough 75-150 years ago, and beyond...
The cemetery is beautiful though, and could NOT be closer to our house, less than a 1/4 mile down Main St, and surrounded by a beautiful nature preserve. The problem for the squeamish is the VERY REAL problem of woods, bushes, undergrowth and deer ticks. The ticks have become an unbelieveably horrible part of our lives, and I do not venture off sidewalks and into woodlands until they die down for winter....
In other news, I heard on the radio that etsy is allowing factory made products to be sold alongside handmade items. I am not giving up my etsy gallery, but the radio mentioned Zibbet as still being onluy handmade, so I was like, wth, lets open up a shop there....and basic is free! have a look at my new shoppe there (CLICK!)
Hi Gary....did u see the ghost of some dead civil war soldier?
I find the old stones that r inscribed like this....Jacob Jones, Sarah Jones, wife, Elizabeth Jones, wife, Mary Jones, wife.....all died of childbirth, then Jacob would advertise for another wife...
Ugh. That's the trouble with online--so many people exploiting good sites like Etsy.
And ticks.
I'm not a fan of them either.
Orbs! Where are the orbs?
That's too bad about Etsy, I thought handmade items were the whole purpose of the site.
I poked around zibet and found some vintage christmas ornaments... so not entirely handmade.
Penny looks at home in the graveyard! Hmmmmmm!
Like Elaine, I thought the whole purpose of Etsy was handmade! Who wants to compete with commercially produced stuff!
I am not giving up on Etsy either, my shop is growing in sales all the time.
In reality there have been lots of shops that have been making things in factories all along and sliding in under the radar. Etsy now requires sellers, who employ a factory to create their designs, to submit an application to Etsy. There will always be those that try to sneak around it.
Etsy has been posting these changes in a blurb on the top of your listings manager page. You can click on the link and read the new rules.
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