Gets me thinking: "I wish government would reopen". I wish those people who give us ignorance and intolerance and anger would open their minds and get out of the way of those who would like to make America a better place, a place with healthcare, better schools, and where we had a little more safety and security in our lives THANKS to government, not in spite of it.
What do you wish today? Anything you want to share, I'd love to hear it, go to comments!
(last night the wife and I were picnicking and watching Cornell crew teams practice...good GOLLY those guys must eat a big dinner after all that rowing around).

Bravo! You've stated succinctly what I've been feeling!
I wish America would adopt some realistic gun laws and stop being afraid of civil war. That's the only reason I can think of as to why they hang on to the guns and the right to own assault rifles.
I wish we could be a peaceful world. Not just fighting with guns but fighting with intolerance, impatience, and the inability to even try to look at another point of view as possibly being correct.
Gary, have you seen this? As Elizabeth Warren was speaking I kept saying "exactly!"
I wish the exact same thing that you do!
I am with you on the wishes Gary. I will also add that I wish NC would start moving FORWARD instead of BACKWARDS! Glad I moved here, NC really needs my vote.
Yes! I love the idea of the government and the country OPENING - hearts, minds, spirits.
Also ... my brother was a rower. And yes, they eat their weight.
Such plain speaking! Thanks, I needed that! :)
Happy open studio day!
I am wishing you a good weekend :)
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