A pal from a very long time ago in college contacts me, asking me for a special item.
I remember the first week or 2 of college, when she and I were freshman. I mentioned I had been throwing a pot, or throwing pots. She was puzzled a bit, until I explained clay and a wheel were involved, because she thought it involved a new method of smoking p0t. It did NOT.
Anyway, we had classes together, lived next door to each other, that kind of thing, until graduation in 87. Thanks to FB, here we are again, gossiping about the weirdos we lived with back then and such...
SO, the point is this. She wishes somebody would make a dragon. She wants to be able to write down her grudges and set them afire in the belly of a ceramic dragon, thus relieving her of her grudges. I think it is a hilarious idea, and gave it some thought and made this yesterday. I tried it out, although it is not finished yet, not fired, not glazed, but impressive, no? I think small ones would be esp. funny, for a cone of incense....

(new pottery by Gary Rith)
yes, mouth and nose allow smoke out, like a chimney :)
I love this
that would look so very cool on someone's patio. i would definitely buy one of the smaller ones for incense (the shipping wouldn't kill me!!)
and i love the idea of burning stuff like that....i'm now looking around for something i could use...i got lots of "stuff"!!!
Fire in his (or her?)belly!!!!
An interesting way to ensure that it is dry enough to fire?
I love this!
I am the flakey friend from college and am delighted with this little fellow! It's better than I could have imagined..>>
Gary it is wonderful, and love the idea of buring one's grudges. What a beautiful object to behold. Really look cool in the dark if it breathed smoke and flames from the mouth. It's wonderful.
Susan, love your comment, hahaha, for someone who considers herself flakey you sure have a wonderful, creative mind. You are a muse Susan, an artists true friend! hahaha
What a GREAT idea!
Hey, thanks for turning me on to Suz's blog. Love it! I'm following her now. You're a gem, PotterMan.
By the way...Suz mentioned something about now owing you cold, hard cash, in light of your lovely referral....
Just sayin'...:D
great idea! hope you make a bunch of these.
As a dragon-collector, I highly approve of this new adventure.
SO AWESOME GARY! My first question was going to be about the smoke through the nose and mouth but you are totally on it. This is such a cool idea.
You are a genius.
So cool! And what a great idea!! I think I need one ...
very cool dragon! check out Steve Murphy of Boston's incense burning dragons... we have one on our living room table... perhaps you even know Steve from your NE days...
That is waaay cool.
brilliant! i want / need one. boy do i have a lot of bad karma that needs to be burned in the belly of that dragon!
It's adorable :) reminds me of a story from my childhood
Great idea! Well done
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