Gary's Third Pottery Blog
When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....

WRITE TO ME! Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
the VERY SH!TTY morning….
So for a variety of reasons, this has been a sh!tty week in a sh!tty month, with this morning being especially sh!tty.
BUT my woes are as nothing compared to the guy who just plowed into the woods next to my garage, taking out the 35 sign and flipping over twice! My neighbor the professional firefighter and EMT was standing in his yard and raced to it, saving the man….emergency crews and an ambulance came later and it seems the injuries are not life-threatening, thanks to my neighbor's quick action plus the car airbags.
SO, just when you think things in your life suck a bit, take a look around, probably somebody else is a whole lot worse :)
(BTW, I am guessing that until the state replaces this 35 mph sign through the village that many drivers will not slow at all and perhaps there will be many more speeding accidents here….)
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Me and Missus Tastycakes
ME, the TV interview :)
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Blog Archive
- the VERY SH!TTY morning….
- that color scheme seems pretty groovy...
- when you wonder if you are doing the right things...
- inordinately proud of myself...
- NOT skin cancer...
- your own personal dragon….
- even I don't get to the beach this summer...
- creative efforts...
- Britney and gluten-free pesto pizza!
- starry starry night...
- the first tomato
- Mr. Mug…on a mug
- putting it together…before and after...
- that HOLY CATS glaze combo
- and the latest...
- stable
- beagle belly
- A winery on a lake, what's not to love????
- Tom's
- and so the kiln is fixed…again...
- what does today hold…?
- NOT a cat on a hot tin roof...
- news updates…..and bowls and bowls….
- gluten-free torte...
- buried in elephant pots...
- the badass tea party….
- the "exquisite little item" show...
- baking blueberry tarts during a stinky earthquake...
- that wavy groovy thing….
- a bit worn out, overdone...
- ten years blogging…whoa :)
About Me
- Gary's third pottery blog
- I am a full-time studio potter, sculptor, and dog walker, married to superhawt Missus Tastycake.
I feel your pain. This has been the month of BIG bills for me. Just when you think you are getting ahead...
But you are right. Things could be worse.
Wowz. What a day!
What's going on in the world? I'm doing all I can do to not have a pity party all over my blog......which would be embarrassing and have to be taken down.
The crash victim sounds like a very lucky fellow indeed.
Toes crossed that things get better for you.
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