In May I noticed a fast growing bump in the middle of my tat and I was like "HOLY SH!T I AM GONNA DIE" which, after a little searching around became "Maybe it won't kill me, but it will kill my tattoo!". WELL, the doctor finally got a look at it…Keratosis. A benign wee bump…and I have a lot of them, and if you are middle aged (how did I get to be middle aged???) you might be lucky enough to have them too (and NOT skin cancer).
The doctor told me he could take it off, whita scar, etc, blahblahblah…and I was like "NOPE" and ran out of the office…really!
Made me feel like a million bucks…so I went home and picked some of my sunflowers… :) Have a great Saturday!

NOT cancer is ALWAYS a great diagnosis! Congratulations on that well-earned feeling of RELIEF!
Great great news!
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