In other news, I am RACING AROUND taking care of guests, making pots, Annnnd babysitting sweet Yogi AND sweet Nook....I bump into friends, I swear I am not making this up, walking one dog or the other and they are like "who is this, another dog?" and its like "yep, 20,000 steps on the pedometer today, gonna sleep well today!".

Gary you crack me up.Love the chicken/bull picture.
Your doodles make me smile.
So do your dogs.
LOL, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that thinks animals cuss too. My sweet Dori Dog seems to cuss me when I try to get her out of bed in the morning.
Great comic! Chickens say the darndest things. Interesting each is oblivious to their own scatological output:)
I love the last shot of EVERYONE's smile at the camera. Did you say doggie treat?
I love the drawing; so darn cute!
So, have you changed your business cards to add 'professional walker' yet???
Ha! That doodle is perfect!
Love that drawing! Who knows what goes on behind those cute faces? That's one reason The Revenant by Billy Collins is one of my favorite poems.
Such a happy group of pups and people.
I love the comic, too! I would totally buy that mug.
20,000 steps on your pedometer? Holy crap, Gary! What lucky pooches!
Ha! Love the doodle.
who took the photo? did you train one of the dogs to snap pictures?
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