and suddenly she is selling white covered dishes with...a bird on top! Customers contact me "do you do birds?" or "can you put a bird on it?" which is not hard to do, but crap on toast, maybe I am not IN THE MOOD TO PUT A BIRD ON IT?????? ***
But maybe sometimes I AM in the mood to put a bird on it, and I had the idea to try to make some turtle items I had not made before, and I thought I could put a flippin' bird on it...turning the knob on top into a bird. I did a good job, had a good time, but that sh!t is OUT of my system for now...(not the turtles, I plan to make a lot more jars like left below seen with turtle teapot and small turtle coin banks) but I remain more of a FROG PERSON and likely will put frogs on future turtle jar knobs...
By coincidence, I rescued a REAL turtle Wednesday, see below! He was in the road, I moved him to the river bank behind our house....

Then there was the whole cinnamon roll thing....remember I made St Lucias' cats a couple of weeks ago? That is an excellent dough, so I endeavored to roll it out, sprinkle cinnamon on it, roll it up, slice, bake, top with cinnamon sugar :) OH BOY!

*** I have said this before: customers and their kinky requests! Customers need to realize "I may want a bird on it, but Gary might want to make a frog on it, genius is just that way..."
Maybe you'll start a revolution and everyone will be putting a turtle on stuff.
The problem is that when you make things like these birds and turtles, they're so awesome that everyone wants more. I'm afraid you might have more birds in your future. Cinnamon rolls look great!!! By the way, I think you should make t-shirts that say, "genius is just that way..." I'd buy one. :)
OH GOSH alright already...more bird genius today ;)
Put a cinnamon roll on it?
If anyone could put a bird on it, it's you!
Jeff thinks that I have gone too far with my "put a bird on it" jokes. I am not ready to let it go, the video just cracks me up.
The video is hilarious! I kinda prefer frogs and turtles too. Good job on the rescue!
Mrs. G. loves that video and she loves birds. Just thought you should know. :)
Now I need to show the video to my son, whose fiancee does just love birds... she LOVES birds.
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