Let me explain: Mary here, has the magic fingers. Ever had the dentist or hygienist from HELL? I have. The hacking, the chopping, the BLOOD AND GUTS! In your mouth. Mary = SUPER GENTLE.
To explain further, I had the same dentist from about age 15, when the dentist was fresh out of dental school and we were about his first patients at his first job, with admittedly some breaks for living in Chicago and New Hampshire and then back here, but lets just understand: I sorta had the same dentist about 30 years. He is bald now. For some reason, he decided to buy another dentist's practice across town, who was retiring. Breaking up the partnership he had here with Dr. K___. He was taking on those patients and bringing along his own...so, you know, an amicable divorce of dentists, right? He just wanted to help those other patients and fly solo or something. ANYWAY, despite 30 years of seeing him, when we heard he was moving cross town the question was "but where will MARY BE?". Mary stayed with Dr. K_____....and we shrugged off my history with the dentist, without a backward glance (as wonderful as he has always been) to stay with Mary. (side note...I was at a concert 2 months ago and...who was playing guitar? Dr. K___...wow! Talk about magic fingers!)
OK, so Mary tells me yesterday "these teeth will outlive you!" which is a massive compliment. She says it is refreshing to see somebody so healthy who tries to take care of their teeth. I tell her "I floss! I brush all the time! Plus, my dad had gnarly teeth which my sister inherited and her daughter inherited, but I inherited my MOM's perfect teeth". Which is how life is sometimes....I also did not inherit my father's bald dome....
Mary was like "a picture BEFORE of your teeth...and after".....

Hey, check out these cat pots I made!!!!

I had a HORRIBLE dentist as a kid... even a cleaning was painful (he did everything, no hygienist).
... and the kitty pots are sweet!
Hey Gary,
Good to see you are still blogging and still making beautiful pottery pieces. Check out my new blog and my new career track.
That's were I'm going tomorrow.
As kids our dentist gave us bubble gum. Creating more business I think....
You are so funny.
I know for sure that I will outlive MY teeth!
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