Those are freshly made business card holders, drying atop a hot kiln. They are a little thick, so I have to be certain they dry entirely. I had made pig and beagle card holders, but THE WORLD IS PEsTERING me for more, so I started thinking "elephant? GODZILLA!". Wait till you see HIM fired and in use, holding the card in his mouth....
I was also thinking that I outta repaint my fair display, the crates, shelves and such. The wife thinks I should keep that which is paINTED wasabi, wasabi (back of photo, not crates), and that which is yellow....made better. More what I intended. Which is BUTTERY yellow. You can see in my tidy garage last year's yellow Cratess---way brighter than I intended. So I bought something called "buttered corn" which is buttery, but better than butter! I started the paint job yesterday and I am very pleased. I have to do a little every day, because I find painting VERY BORING. Except when the wind blew all my wetly painted stuff onto me and I screamed "mother#$%!" and my neighbors who were right there painting their beautiful porch a few feet away were a little alarmed. They were also alarmed when I was up on a high ladder (remember, the wife is out of town) cutting down all these huge tree limbs, which hang over our car. They are the other neighbor's branches, and I guess I could wait until they flatten my car in a storm and I can sue them for a NEW car**. I hate their tree, but they won't take it down. Anyway, it is surrounded by poison ivy too. Why am I cutting this this apart by myself? Good question. There was this one HUGE limb that started coming down as I was up there cutting it and I raced off the ladder to the ground...and the limb came down on the ladder, knocking it into the poison ivy! REALLY! I yelled to the neighbors, rushing over to check on me, "ITS FINE! I meant it to fall like that! Haha, it was a widowmaker!!!!" I really did yell that...then I dragged the ladder...carefully...out of the poison ivy...and hung up the saw for the day.....and went back to sculpting the items above....
**OK, my new car? Shoot, I saw it yesterday driving down the road: a 1970ish Ford Mustang. Thing was a beauty, all black. *****My dream classic car might be more like a 1960s corvette, but this car was so slick it got into my dreams...where it was MINE ALL MINE!

*****Actually, the corvette I prefer? it is the cute white thing at the start of this video, convertible, behind the mustang...
Luuuuurrrrrve the card holders! Do you poke holes in the bottoms to keep them from blowing up? Won't go into my history of animal blow-ups.
Ah memories! My last car was a black 1988 Mustang six cylinder, with steel belted studded radials. Much admired by all the teen-age and older boys around. I got it second hand and drove it until it became too expensive to maintain. I sold it to a collector/restorer and got rid of my pick-up truck and started driving a 4-Runner, which is far more practical for this area.
P.S. Please be careful when working on trees, on ladders!
Wow. You are Mr. Productive while the wife is away! Jim is out of town this weekend and I am going to force myself to clean the kitchen....really clean...all the cabinets, fridge, pantry, etc. I will think "what would Gary do?" when I am feeling tender hearted about getting rid if my crapola. Also, pinto beans and chipotles totally going in the crock pot today too. However, you can keep the poison ivy portion of your weekend all to yourself.
Your card holders are going to be awesome... I can tell already! So cute. Look forward to seeing them finished.
a) yes, I put holes all through the thick parts of my card holders indeed, but I think all potters know you can NEVER dry things too thoroughly :) and b) I know, me and ladders by myself: why do i do that? it is male pride and arrogance "oh, its easy, I can do it!" which is how people, um, end up in emergency rooms....I should keep my adventuring OFF the ladders and in the kitchen, where I am the master baker, the master burrito man!
great minds think alike? I just made some but not as animalistic as yours...
I'm glad to know the branch didn't come down & knock you off the ladder and into the poison ivy.
I'm glad to know the branch didn't come down & knock you off the ladder and into the poison ivy.
please be safe while the wife is away!
... that is a sweet ride, even if I tend to be more of Chevy gal. I had a 67 Camaro convertible that I bought in the 90's and had it for 10 + years... my ex got it in the divorce :-( @#$& (but he did have to pay me for 1/2 of it!).
You scare me...and also, you are very funny. :)
Love the card holders. Hey, how is the life insurance going???
We had a 1974 Mustang. Got it brand spanking new for about $3000.
*sigh* We drove it till it died and loved every minute of it.
Ladders and poison ivy, oh my.
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