Gary's Third Pottery Blog

When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....

Gary's third pottery blog

WRITE TO ME! Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016

Friday, September 13, 2013

an old dream...

I was dreaming just now an old dream.
I am a diligent and careful person.  I make the list, I check it twice.
In this dream, which I have had from time to time, I am a college senior trying to keep it all together, get it all done by the deadlines.  The reality is that I did have a successful senior year, and that I learned to get up at the crack of dawn to do it.  I still do!  Here I am!  The dawn is dawdling, sleeping in, probably  it will be dark another hour or 2... :)

I will be at a small and wonderful fair Saturday, come see me!  Close to our house, Six Mile Creek Winery Harvest Fest, 12-5!

These pitchers just came out of the kiln. People notice that I like pitchers.  I do!

In other news, you might need a frog bowl!  For sale now at my etsy shoppe :)
medium bowl with a frog!

or this one!
teal toad bowl


smartcat said...

You will probably take down your header since I am commenting on it, but those little pitchers are just perfect and in the perfect setting. Frogs will show up anywhere and toads...we have a zillion tiny ones!

Leave the header up until after your's great publicity!

Barbara Rogers said...

Lovely pitchers! You may not get other's feedback, or this may not be happening to others, but my blog doesn't get yours updated every day now. I have to go look for yesterday's which is somehow eventually posted, and then I can see what you wrote this morning. Hope it's just my problem and nobody elses...I've tried removing and reloading your info. That worked one day only.

smalltownme said...

I used to have those college dreams all the time. Yikes!

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Me and Missus Tastycakes

Me and Missus Tastycakes

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I am a full-time studio potter, sculptor, and dog walker, married to superhawt Missus Tastycake.