Gary's Third Pottery Blog

When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....

Gary's third pottery blog

WRITE TO ME! Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016

Sunday, April 7, 2013

a CELEBRITY chef...

Helen was over Saturday.  You live in a small town or city like ours and you know people for a variety of reasons, multiple connections and all the rest!  Helen's cousins live next door to us BUT more importantly, she has known Penny the beagle longer than us---she has worked in the office of the SPCA for many years, and was one of the people who cared for Penny at the shelter before we adopted her.  Isn't that neato? Penny remembers....

I was dreaming just now, REALLY!, that I was a celebrity chef running a competition amongst 3 up and coming chefs.  The one guy I remember most was the one who had to serve a small monkey.  He had made some soup and salad which was a good start, with some carefully selected wine for the monkey, but the mistake he made was then planning to serve a lasagna.  Those things take forever, right?  The monkey was getting really restless, all the other chefs were serving dinner to their guests and the monkey was bouncing around....the chef was unrepentent:  he knew his lasagna would be good (due to his secret ingredient:  nutmeg in the ricotta) but it would be quite awhile before anything was served....
probably better to have that thing baking long before dinner, hmm?

I was talking with the wife the other day about PINEAPPLE PANCAKES.
I was saying "you know, like when you are a kid?  You put a pineapple ring in each pancake?  Holy CATS it is yummy!!!!" and she had no idea what I was describing, so I made them Saturday*** and the way the pineapple gets crisp and carmelized in there, then you put syrup on that whole may love blueberry pancakes but these are SPECIAL....

***Gary's recipe for 6 small vegan pancakes
--Fill a half cup measure with mostly white flour, plus some whole wheat flour and quick oats so that it totals... a half cup!
--dump that in a bowl, add 1 1/4 TBS baking powder, 3/4 TBS sugar and a dash of salt
--add 1 1/4 TBS canola oil and a little more than 1/2 cup of soy milk---the batter can be really thick as you stir, and you want it thick but not impossible, right?
--add blueberries as you stir if you want OR
--pour batter into 2 hot frying pans, and after a minute or 2 you can place a pineapple ring on each, frying each pancake on medium a few minutes, flipping, etc, until it looks done----
THE EASIEST AND HEALTHIEST pancakes you have ever made!  They are not heavy at all, quite fluffy and tasty!


Bronwyn said...

I'm starting to have a Gary Rith section in my recipe file. Thanks! Although I'm willing to try new things on my own, I always love going on recommendations.

smartcat said...

Oh for the yum!And I just cored a new pineapple last night!

I love your dream. It sounds like there might some decoration ideas there.

Enjoy your sunday.

Barbara Rogers said...

I've never tried pineapple pancakes...sounds decadent. I'm surprised you only have half a cup of dry ingredents...but you must know what you're doing, you're the cook. Dream sounds very like one who cooks would have!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

YEP, just half cup gives you 6 excellent little pancakes! This is a very easy and reliable recipe :)

Sandra Kohlmann said...

Clarissa and Veronica are going to love these!

Sandra Kohlmann said...

I'm making these at this very minute. I had to monkey with the recipe, of course. I made a bigger batch of batter, because my daughters can eat their weight in pancakes. Also, I used part soymilk and part pineapple juice for the liquid and added some vegan coconut milk yogurt. I'm so excited to eat them (assuming I can keep any out of Veronica and Clarissa little hands)!

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

I must try these. MUST!!

But I want to know, is that a good thing, nutmeg in the ricotta for lasagne? I am making some lasagne this week...

Claudia from Idiot's Kitchen said...

Pineapple rings in pancakes???? Why have I never thought (or heard) of this before? Gary, you are a pancake (and burrito) making guru!

Claudia from Idiot's Kitchen said...

Karen, unless you're making a spinach lasagna, I'd say no to the nutmeg.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Pineapple pancakes? WOW...who wouldn't have thunk it?
You have mentioned here about all the wonderful aspects of living in a small town; you are one lucky fella!

k.a. barnes said...

MONKEY CHEF!! I love it !

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I am a full-time studio potter, sculptor, and dog walker, married to superhawt Missus Tastycake.