(new pottery by Gary Rith)
SO, like I said 2 days ago, I figured out how to make a truck, but then in doing so figured out how to make a car. A little sportscar like an AUDI TT! Golly those are cute cars, and isn't this car with the dog awesome? Took forever it felt like, but it opens up and you can put stuff in there. ....now I gotta make more!
This is the cutest ever!!!
So cute. Can't wait to see what you do with glaze on it & the truck.
wow... very, very cool...that's a LOT of work... make sure you get your price for them!
nice. herbie rides again!
Truly AWESOME!!!!
Big enough for a cookie jar?
Good! Possibly needs more windswept ears?
Think of Snoopy the Ace Flying Pilot on his kennel....
cute, cute, cute!
So damn adorable.
This is really wonderful Gary. I know just how much thought, time, and effort goes into something like this. Really a wonderful piece of sculpture. Speaks to our hearts...
Great car! The dog's lolling tongue gives a joyous "Aww right, road trip" look to her/him.
Many "smiles per gallon" for this car!
VEry cute. Do they talk?
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