(pottery by Gary Rith)
I swear this is the busiest week of my life. You wanna hear some of it?
OK--lucky me, lotsa orders and business, and LOOK AT this super duper skull mug experiment! Imagine it glazed black. You don't have to imagine it, you'll see it in a week :)
I have to deliver these mugs and more to a store today and then, oh gosh, the greatest adventure ever perhaps. I am doing a show in a ZOO. Real elephants? TIGERS? Who knows how many great animals I will see, but you KNOW I will get the pics and share it ALL HERE TOMORROW :)
Ok, how perfect is that? A show at a zoo! Lots of pictures por favor! :-)
Busy is GOOD!!!! $$$$
Give extra peanuts to the elephants for me!they are my absolute FAVOURITE animal/ good luck and hope you get lots of sales!
That is f*cking awesome! Love the skull.
My favorite zoo animal are the penguins. I love those little weirdos. Sometimes I watch the live web came of the penguins at the Omaha zoo. They are just so happy and flapping their little wings around!
Gary, those are great!
awesome skully.
really enjoy your blog. sometimes its laugh out loud fun:)
be sure to visit the monkeys... the are the BEST! speaking of monkeys... is goerges going too?
COOL! Those are sea shells etched into those beautiful pieces, aren't they?
The ZOO! Ooooh, that is gonna' be cool! Looking forward to the post! Hope you sell lots of stuff and get great animal pottery orders! [Not orders from the animals, LOL!]
The Zoo? How fun! I interviewed for a job at the Toledo Zoo once. It would've been cool. Four words of advice: Avoid. The. Reptile. House.
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