That was the subject of an unread spam from Miss Angela. It was probably meant for my dogs. This blog was also visited by a fellow calling himself "the old geezer" who says he favorited my blog and I should favorite his too. I looked at his blog. I don't think he looked at mine too carefully and I doubt if we have much in common. His posts are all about dressing modestly and asking whether Christians drink. The original Christian drank wine, Catholics and Anglicans drink in their service every week, others on occaision, and sure, some people can't handle alcohol, but others pray with it. I passed on the geezer to Miss Angela, I am sure he could help her out with her modesty.
Groovy vase and mug eh? Have an awesome Monday!
very groovy... and i'm sure Miss Angela would agree!
pondering the drinking habits of christians... i think i got more pressing issues. lovely pots amigo
Very groovy Gary!
Have a great day; minus the modesty!
Love your pottery, and the Skeleton mug! :) I love the "Old Geezer" lol lol...:) Are these Christians seriously believing that in ancient times the people drank, water, coffee, and cool lol lol..:) Oh God, people are truly weird. And they call me weird! I am, but at least I know it! lol lol lol..:o)
I love the skully mug! Is that a little heart on the side? Did you do that on purpose or did it just happen? Either way I love it. I love the combo of hearts and skulls. Love and death.
I would like to take a look at different religious groups and their drink of choice. Sure it's stereotyping but that's what they're all about right?
For starters, Catholics loves them some whiskey.
True that.
Growing up Catholic, the idea of wine during church seemed vaguely naughty. When I did my first communion, we (7 year old girls, btw) were afraid we might get drunk off that teeny sip we were allowed. I was horrified to find out other religions use grape juice. WTF? There's something intrinsically wrong with representing the savior's blood with Welch's.
Love the vases! Why one could actually drink from one couldn't they? Hmmm...maybe some vino...
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