Oh golly what a day what a week what a busy month! Yesterday I did 2 road trips. Early yI restocked the shelves at the excellent Aurora Art and Design Center. My display and shelves looks tres good, eh?
THEN I had been invited to spend the evening in Binghamton at the Ross Park Zoo selling pots. They have a clever fund raiser: called Feast with the Beasts--for 35-45 bucks people could buy a ticket and wander the zoo all evening...and eat and drink all they wanted. Wineries, breweries, restaurants all set up all over the place and folks just wandered around helping themselves, and there were artists like me for them to see too. You can see why I was invited, what with all the little animals I put on pots.
There were these 2 pissed off tigers pacing around and you wonder what they wanted (my leg? my head or an arm, or maybe all of me???? or maybe some of the wine?) and the wee little penguins spent the evening at the door to their little house. They have great ponds and a waterfall, but they are used to going in at 5 (to watch the news and have a sardine supper perhaps?). Then this flamingo, or flamingo-ish bird, was hanging around me, all his buddies nearby, and you sorta hope they are vegetarian (unlike the tigers...)
Penguins are awesome! hmm, I wonder if we will be seeing some penguin and Tiger tea pots in the near future??
Btw, you're looking very academic these days, what with those awesome specs!
Penguins! I love them. They waddle, which is fun. How did the zoo shindig go? Was it busy and you sold tons-o-pots? :)
Oh yeah, penguins! Right on.
hope the sales were brisk amigo... i keep wonderin' what penny would've done to that tiger if she had the chance
That is soo cool, I love penguins!
neat-o! I love the Scarlet Ibis!!
I love the idea of the penguins going inside their little zoo house, cracking open a beer, watching the news, having a little sardine supper, doing the crossword, gossiping about the other animals at the zoo ...
there you are and right where you should be among your peeps!
What fun to be in the ZOO!
What k.a. said. :-)
Also, how much fun is dinner at the zoo?
Wow, you have been busy! We have that here too in Milwauke, Feast with the Beast, loads of people attend. We have always loved the zoo..way fun! Tigers and penguins, lol lol..:)
We love your new glasses too! They look really "campy, cool"! :)
I want to have dinner with the penguins and gossip!
That would be SO MUCH FUN! Wow. Set up looks great!
If it's an easy crossword, I could help.
Penguins are my favorite animal. Great work, judging from the pictures!
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