WELL ANYWAY the other day I am poking through my drawer and at the bottom of the piles are some race tee shirts of mine, from when I ran the 1990 and 1992 Chicago marathons and my buddies Steve and Steve both still run marathons and SO maybe that is why I dreamt that me and Penny the beagle were running across America, 20 miles a day.....MAN!
The original studio video of this yeah Yeah Yeahs tune is rather disturbing, so dig the live version.
Those critters are just so cute.
Emily is a do gooder. I love her.
You have T-Shirts that old? :0
Your critters are so comical... and why in the WORLD do you have race t-shirts that old? :)
Running 20 miles a day is just doggie abuse. My Beagle mix is a nap dog so she would hate that.
amigo... i didn't realize you were a runner. do you still run?
I don't still run, not for a few years, I had back trouble, but was a marathon runner and also coached high school cross country and track in the 1990s. And shoot, if you had raced 26.2 miles and were given a tee shirt, you'd sure as heck keep it too!
Too much information. Wednesday is Business Time? Why not this video?
Yes, if you ever need to locate a cat? Put down a paper bag, or anything that makes a lot of noise (cellophane is one of the best cat lures) and wait.
You may not find your cat, but you will find a cat. One will materialize from the dust motes in the air if need be.
You know, it took me a moment to realize that Penny is likely the Beagle, and for a moment I was assailed by a vision of a man running across country with a cat by his side. I highly recommend that imagery for ensuing hilarity.
just like a cat to get into anything out of curiosity so entertaining and great Penny gets along with them so well.
dude... ain't that Michael Pollan on the cover of the magazine? He's condemning your mishandling of some crazy french monkey's tater tot disfunction.
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