Gary's Third Pottery Blog

When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....

Gary's third pottery blog

WRITE TO ME! Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016

Saturday, January 2, 2010

a clever little gizmo

My SIL has a birthday coming up and this may blow a surprise, except she asked for it: a funnel filter for coffee and a cup. If I had been thinking more clearly, I think I would have had a tortoise and hare, but a tortoise and a pig makes sense if you think about it. Maybe it doesn't.....
So, you know, yesterday is all about finishing the new year's cleaning. I cleaned my third of 3 desks and it looks clean and I even started my sock drawer and realized I have so many argyle socks they can have their own drawer. Kinda k!nky, I know.....
AND it has been snowing a little every day and I realized yesterday that the wife had on purple pants, pink mitten and scarf and purplish hat and was near the pink flamingo, and I thought it a very pleasant contrast to the GLOOM of winter....

Lunch Lady Land...we lived in New Hampshire for many many years and Adam Sandler and Sarah Silverman both grew up near us in Manchester, attending the same high school with Adam a couple of years ahead of her. They are unusual in that you do not
often think of Jewish comedians growing up in New Hampshire, and in this case, lightening struck twice. SLOPPY JOES SLOP SLOP SLOPPY JOES....


Unknown said...

I need a pair of purple pants. Why don't I own a pair of purple pants???

A turtle and a pig... an unlikely match, but they seem to enjoy each other.

and... omg. You do own a lot of argyle socks. I ♥ argyle.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I LOVE Adam Sandler!!!
The missus is like a sweet bowl of sherbert with her pastels. Nice against the snow.
Those socks? Cute.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

I am noticing behind her, of course, is a purple bird house....

Unknown said...

Are we playing I-spy? I spy a pink flamingo. :)

Emily SIL said...

I've accumulated a lot of work socks. I don't think I have enough pairs of the wool wigwam socks, but I could probably fill a drawer with my tube socks and footies. It wouldn't look so appealing.

Anonymous said...

What a great start you are making to the new year, it must feel good!
Mrs R looks great in her winter colours too

Chelle said...

That is A LOT of argyle. I mean, A LOT.


Unknown said...

Well, my first thought was -- he really seems to like Argyle plaid, but since it's been said so many times already, I won't.

Reverend Awesome said...

How did you and I become friends and not discuss our love of argyle socks?

Maude brightens up any picture.

Sloppy Joe. Slop. Sloppy Joe.

kate et jim said...

Go Adam! I love him! Although he was on my 'avoid' list for a while. I don't know - he did something (or said something) and it really made me lose a lot of respect for him at the time.

Argyle is cute. Along with Mrs. P's outfit!

Cleaned out the underwear drawer today here! Yup, Me and Mr Jim are heading to Big Box land on Monday for new ones. AND new toothbrushes and shower scrunchies. Ain't New Year's great! lol

Cheryl said...

OMG!! Hubby and I spent yesterday cleaning out our sock and underpinnings drawers too!! Is there an official day for that, besides New Year's Day?? Now watch the stampedes to the stores tomorrow as people replenish their socks and underpinnngs drawers!!

cm said...

That cup and filter is almost enough to make me want to drink coffee. Almost. ;-)

I've spent two days cleaning other people's messes. I'm done with cleaning for a little while.

BSOB said...

very cool - warm colors in winter! good idea. it gets to be a bit too much of the neutral grays and blues in clothing around i town. got to sweeten it up

Anonymous said...
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Nicki said...

I love the cup and filter! My only complaint might be the cup is too small!!!!

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I am a full-time studio potter, sculptor, and dog walker, married to superhawt Missus Tastycake.