With these mugs below, I wanted to try to make cow and elephant mugs with shorter legs, and I think the effect may be cuter than my usual long legs. Um, easier too. Then I was wondering why I have not yet made beagle mugs like these, with the tail as handle? Coming up soon....
The missus made cheetah print stockings for Christmas, and little scraps have been around the house. I showed last week that I lined my glasses case with it and made my sock monkey a rakish little scarf. But I REALLY wanted a cheetah case for my computer, and holy cats Batman, look what the missus (and Spike) cooked up for me last night...I love that woman so much :)
You two are so creative.. and your critters so cute. I love the photos of Maude seemingly warning Spike not to touch the pin cushion. And her sewing machine is a beauty!
celebrities would probably pay big $$$$$$$$$ for that laptop case.
How FINE is that! :) very cool.
and yes, the sewing machine looks wonderful!.
Have an equally FINE day!
Cheers, T.
AWESOME sewing machine! ...and the laptop case is the cats azzz...
yer a lucky lad!
I learned to sew on one of those machines - any chance Maude would part with it! lol.
Beautiful sewing machine!
Maude's hands are beautiful. Obviously I love the laptop case and all that. The thing that stands out the most in all of this post though...the ladies lovely hands.
Too Hot, you guys are just too hot!
Which is good when it is this cold.
I love the look- will she make you a hat?
Maude, you are incredible! (Your sewing machine is pretty awesome, too!)
Gary, you are one lucky guy (but you already knew that)!
PS: Great mugs!!
And my word verification is "Winterm"
Your wife is SO talented. LOVE this. Oh, and that old Singer? That is a thing of beauty!!
Yup! Maude truly does have very beautiful and capable-looking hands.
I can also read Spike's mind, and he's saying, yeah, that's catty-lookin', but moi? I am the cat's meow, and everything else wild and wonderful and catlike and besides I'm so big nobody would dare argue. So?
Wow! What a lovely gift from your wife and Spike. And I so love the Singer! Brings back memories of my mom making me clothes.
Maybe Spike and Emily were having a sit-in to protest too much time on the computer? I agree with the above posters, Mrs. Pottsblog does have lovely hands (and so capable, too!)
Just popped over from Hilary's to congratulate you for being recognized on her Post Of The Week.
Any guy that loves her gal and appreciates her cheetah laptop case making talents (among other talents, I am positive) is okay in my book.
Now if I only knew how to get my hands on one of your elephant mug, I could die a happy woman. Do you sell and ship? Please say yes and email me... AAHice@aol.com
Those mugs are absolutely wonderful, and I love the Cheetah stockings, as well as the snuggle Beagle. What a nice lift to the morning.
As an aside, you also made me remember one of the funniest scenes in my memory: A class full of would be potters being taught to pull handles. I've never seen a group of thirty people lose it to that extent, it was like an infectious form of giggles.
Congratulations on the post of the week, and particularly on your wonderful mugs.
POTW!! Congratulations! :)
I absolutely adore the elephant mugs! And your Spike looks just like my grandkitty, Scarf.
Congrats on POTW!
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