I was pretty thrilled with this teapot when it came outta the kiln. It marks, as I say, a groovy new direction I am exploring this winter, of east Asian inspired work. Do I even need to say that? You look at it with the bamboo handle and light greens....
DREAMING: I had fun last night. My dreams are so vivid and real, I swear I travel to other people's minds. I was part of a group of 4 people led by a techno genius. His plan was to work as bank auditors. You show up at a small branch 20-30 minutes before closing, fake out some of the tellers with paperwork and then hook up a small machine to their computers and ah ha! It goes through scraping pocket change off the virtual floor, 7 cents from this account, a few dollars there....so it adds UP, and nobody really misses any of that money because it is so little spread amongst so many. And we are done with our independent audit in less than 20 minutes....it is how you rob a bank in a coat and tie.....
my agent would be happy to negotiate the movie rights....
SO, SNOW: Snow is pretty ordinary this time of year for upstate NY. NOT ordinary for NYC to get the most of it! We have a few new inches. Driving was SLIPPERY. Yogi came over to play with Penny..he was pretty lively and excited about it, but he has a few inches of fluff to keep him warm, whereas Penny has such a thin coat!

Therefore: Icicle Works....
Penny needs a knitted coat. She would be the talk of the street.
I think you’re looking at lots more than a few inches of snow. I hope you all stay warm and safe.
Beauty in form, design, color, glaze, concept! This is my favorite!
That teapot is gorgeous!!!!! The snow...not so much. :)
Gary, have you seen the movie Office Space? They plotted a similar scam.
your dream would definitely make a great movie... and that's a sweet looking teapot!
I guess they are both wet and cold when they come inside after a play.
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