America is sick. You get this whole bizarro world "health care is bad, guns are good" mentality. I heard conservatives described as "pugilistic" yesterday and that describes them well: there may not be as many as you think because they are so LOUD and exert so much influence. Why? Is it growing up watching Hollywood westerns and Daniel Boone, we are supposed to be a country of rugged types out shooting squirrels to feed the women folk? Or is it like the band NWA said 20 some years ago "FEAR OF A BLACK PLANET"?
Anyway, there is an apartment building on the corner with about 10-12 units. It is not a very nice building. Many of the units are section 8, gov't subsidized housing, and some residents are black and some white. The city of Ithaca is 5 miles to our west and is a cosmopolitan community. A small version of Boston. BUT the surrounding hills are full of country people with a very different view of the world.
Last week these rock and rollers moved into that apartment building, "Joan Jett", her teen daughter and husband. I do not know if they are on gov't subsidized housing programs, receiving a check from the US to pay their rent. They are country heavy metal types in appearance. When I saw their car yesterday I was like "Ah HA, the Ted Nugent type of country heavy metal types". You KNOW I snapped a pic of their car. I wonder what the black people in that building think of them....

Cleanse the palate by looking at my cute tiles. Helen was like "I need new coasters for my new place! Like, esp. Godzilla for little Sebastian!"

(Coasters by Gary Rith)
On a brighter note, I made a tortilla this morning and it was SO good!!!
Oh manky stickers! Lovely coasters.
Wow...that's a scary bunch of stickers on that car. I read once that people who post stickers like that are very territorial. I have no problem believing it. Steer clear of those nutcases.
The coasters were a welcome relief after the rear window of hate.
I am with you on the fact we have a bunch of haters in this world. What I know as a cop would scare the average citizen. It's much worse than the media depicts. I, of course, will never agree on you with the gun issue and being western isn't the jist of it, but I won't go into a gun debate. Our country is sick. Our kids are sick. And all of us Americans let it happen. We didn't fight hard enough to keep a family as a functional unit. We elected bozos into Congress time and time again because as a majority, we did not educate ourselves. We believed the wrong people. And when they didn't come through with their promised agendas...we elected them AGAIN. It's been happening for decades. We have been stuck in our dream world and watched our country go down the tubes. It's sad, really.
And I love your coasters.
I do not like bumper stickers of any kind. Love you lots, Gary! You are an intelligent and artistic man.
Not only would somebody display such things on their car....somebody else out there came up with the slogans and somebody printed these up....somebody decided they were worth selling.... that's sobering.
Thank God for the coasters as a 'palate cleanse' for the mind:)
My car is also smeared with bumper stickers...if we backed mine up to their's, there'd probably be some explosions (mine all the liberal, earth lovin' and toleration kind). Wonder what we might ever find in common...
Oh yeah, we have lots of those types in Georgia too. The ones that want government out of their lives but still want the section 8 housing.
I would bet that if you asked those people to define some of the terms from their stickers, they wouldn't get it right. Honestly.....
Love everything else in Gary-world though! Great work!
Well that's a tad unnerving.
People like that make me very afraid...especially when armed, they're even more dangerous.
CUTE coasters. Takes the bite out of the photo of the bumper stickers.
Banging head on desk....
LOVE the coasters!
When someone choose to proudly display a message that states, in effect, that they hate people whose opinion they don't share, that says an awful lot about that person.
Hi Gary!*waves*
I'm dropping in from over at The Manor--I'm usually a blog-lurker but when I saw that car, I had to sort of laugh: THAT moving into the neighborhood would make my husband's head explode. What the what are they? Totally agree with Aunt Snow! Good luck with interacting with them...
Love your blog and pix, btw!
Icky nasty mean people.
I had great hope that America might just do some sort of gun reform, it seemed likely a few weeks ago. Australia did after our worst masacre 17 years ago and there has not been one since. Still plenty of guns in the community but no innocent women and children (or men)have been slaughtered by a mentally deranged mass murderer since. Freedom is one thing but freedom to kill is another.
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